For every child, particularly those sick and suffering, home is the natural and the best place to live. Nonetheless, a majority of incurably sick children in Poland stay at hospitals which are perceived by them as unknown and often unfriendly places. That is why we came up with the idea of starting a home hospice for children.
Our patron, priest Józef Tischner showed us by his life that true love is founded on building the world through kindness. Such love is best expressed by selfless help, especially when it concerns incurably sick children. Therefore, we help so that we could have a better understanding of love and provide help to our little patients every day.
Priest Joseph Tischner Children's Hospice in Krakow is one of the three organisations of this kind in Krakow region which provides help to children in their homes in this exclusive form. Founded on 7th November 2004, it is the oldest home hospice in the Lesser Malopolska region.